Featurepreneur — A platform for ML/DS skills

Spread the ML with Featurepreneur

Charles Samuel R
Charles Samuel R   Follow
Ever had a situation where you have been learning something and wanted to try to implement it practically but never have any kind of idea on what you want to do?

Well, then you are looking through the right article cause this place has you covered.

Introducing Featurepreneur ⭐️⭐️

This is a place for ML enthusiasts. Here, you can work on small projects (called features) that are real-world requirements. Yes, you can work with real-world requirements direct from employers.

Think of it as a freelancer site but only for ML/DS enthusiasts.

Employers provide their requirements in the site and volunteers(can be you here) realize the requirements and employers can get back and ask whether we can go forward to the next phase.

The site

Over here you can find the requirements specified by employers. So, we have real-world requirements to work on which definitely gives us more experience in handling problems no doubt about that. But, you would have noticed one thing when looking through the features:


Now let me explain here:

Features are definitely paid here in Featurepreneur(We always reward hard work 😁). The reason why you won’t know about the money quote of the features is to prevent abuse of the system because it will wind up becoming:


Here at Featurepreneur, we believe in rewarding hard work but you only know what money you are getting only when completing the feature.

I’ve been rambling about the money for a while now, so let me tell you what goes on in terms of that.

Tact Coins 💰💰💰💰

Yes, we have a completely different currency for rewarding the volunteers at Featurepreneur known as Tact Coins.

These are similar to Google Credits that we earn after the successful completion of features.

The conversion rate is:

25 Tact Coins — 1 INR

Sounds good right?

Feature developed here

I recently developed a feature known as Salagar’s Test for which I received 25k Tact Coins(1000 INR). You can find the article here.

Another feature developed here can be found below:

Next phases Each feature present in the site is only a single phase. If the employer likes the progress, he will take it forward with more phases and Tact Coins for those phases.

You can find more information about Featurepreneur here:

Looking forward to seeing you in the community 😄😄😄