Real Interest Meter at Featurepreneur

Spread the passion in programming with Featurepreneur

Raja CSP
Raja CSP   Follow

At Featurepreneur, we thorougly verify students’ Real Interest in Programming and technologies to make sure that they can be a part of successful and healthy community.

Here are some samples to verify whether you have Real Interest or Trendy Interest on something.

*Real Interest vs Trendy Interest:

RI: Real Interest will stay for at least 5 years TI: Trendy Interest will stay only for 8 months and they will move on to other trendy things

RI: Real Interest will have some ground work TI: If no ground work is done, it would be Trendy Interest. Most of the trendy interest happens just to check but not to dive in

RI: You can see continuous and cumulative progress in Real Interest TI: Trendy Interest will NOT have continuous progress

RI: Real Interest will not be backed up by rewards TI: Trendy Interest will be mainly focusing on Rewards, especiall Monetary Rewards

RI: Real Interested candidates care more about learning and enjoying the learning TI: Whoever has Trendy Interest, they simply wants work to be done. They don’t care about what they are doing and learning

Concluded that you or your kid has real interest in Programming? We can help teaching Programming at Featurepreneur.

Come and talk to us