Have you heard of Get Rich Quick (GRQ) schemes like Amway etc? If you don’t know yet, this article can explain to you better: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get-rich-quick_scheme
We all know that Pyramid schemes will never work and it’s an indirect Ponzi scheme. It is typically focusing on the audience who wants to make quick money without doing any groundwork or using strategies.
Same way, in the ML industry, there are a lot of tutors misleading you that you will become a Data scientist within a week or 2 months. Get Knowledge Quick scheme
Videos like RNN in 5 minutes will convince the new learners that they can be a Data scientist within 5 minutes of video watching.
Sample videos:
These videos are totally misleading new learners. It simply promising that the new learners can get the knowledge in ML very quickly and get ready for the job within 5 mins to 2 weeks to 2 months.
The reality shows otherwise. Based on the talk we had with recent job holders in ML, we came to know one thing:
You might need to spend a minimum of 5000 hours of groundwork in order to learn it properly — which is 125 weeks (2.5 years).
So, next time when you want to become a Data scientist, focus a minimum of 5000 hours, not 5 minutes videos or 3 months program. These 3 months programs might give you a head start but it will never make you a complete data scientist and market-ready candidate.
By trusting these video Makers will not help you to land a job in 3 months but it will definitely help them to make great money.
At one point, the above video maker made 240,000$ by keeping a mere 200$ GKQ scheme.
Check them out here:
(opens new window)
To conclude, everyone can become a Data Scientist or ML Engineer as long as they dedicate their regular time to it.